Being a milk producer : a matter of passion and love for the cows

Show notes

To kick off our first season dedicated to AOP, listen to dairy farmer Caroline Etter’ story.

For anyone who doesn’t know, the dairy farmers are the guardians of Le Gruyère AOP’s primary ingredient. As well as feeding and milking their cows twice a day, they also coordinate the milk deliveries to the cheese dairy, both morning and evening. Their profession is a balancing act between automated processes and traditional know-how, which is just as relevant as ever in 2021.

Le Gruyère AOP presents “Cheese Chat”, a podcast that brings you the best stories from Le Gruyère AOP.

Le Gruyère AOP has been protected under the AOP label for 20 years and we’re celebrating this milestone by making it the star of our first season.

Dairy farmers, cheesemakers and affineurs will be joining us to share their most memorable moments with you.

Le Gruyère AOP thanks you for listening.

Find Le Gruyère AOP online at: Website : Instagram : Facebook :

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